All human beings are made in the image of God.  Ethnic diversity is part of God’s wisdom, will and purpose.  One pattern – the image of God, but an amazing diversity.

Science confirms what theology has always insisted.  With all our distinctive, unique features, we are incredibly alike.

This means that the old theory of different races is out.  There are not different races any more than there are different castes, where one caste is inferior to another.

If we are one race how are our differences to be explained?  Is it our genes?  Our environment?  Different climates and therefore different skin colours, different foods and cuisines, different music and dance styles, different fashions and designs different Messengers and experiences of God, different scriptures, different responses to God and therefore different patterns of worship and prayer, and different religions.

Because we are different, we all have something of value to offer to each other and this enlarges us all.  Fantastic!  A cause for rejoicing and celebration.  So we celebrate diversity and promote equality.

Of course there are those who feel threatened by diversity and see no reason to celebrate it.  The politics of “race hate” are alive and spreading.  Racism – an evil grounded in the theory of different races which has been used to justify white supremacy – continues to influence individuals and institutions.

As long as human diversity is feared, human relations across ethnic, religious and colour differences will be jeopardised.  It is important therefore to protect, promote and celebrate diversity constantly.

The Biblical tools to resource this work include the insistence that we are all made “in the image of God” [Genesis 1:26].  Discrimination in Church is further challenged by the insistence that we are all members of “the Body of Christ” [1 Corinthians 12: 12-27].  These scriptural insights mean that Christians cannot give support to any ideology that discriminates against anyone on the basis of colour, gender, age, ability or sexuality.

We are called to do all we can in our communities, congregations and companies to ensure that equality and diversity will be embedded in our vision, structures and practice.  Give no support to anyone or any view that discriminates against or shows disrespect to people.

The test of any nation, organisation, community or congregation is its capacity to accommodate diversity and promote equality without wanting to dominate, diminish or destroy those who are different.  Constantly check your own attitudes and actions.  Always ask the question:  Will what is being planned enhance and maximise equality and diversity?  Settle for nothing less than actions and attitudes that promote equality and diversity.

Inderjit Bhogal

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